Information for authors

The Malaysian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences serves as a forum for scientific communication among pharmaceutical educators, scientists and with those interested in the advancement of research in pharmaceutical sciences and education.

Articles are categorised under Research articles and Review

Manuscript submission

Three copies of the complete manuscript must be submitted.

Manuscripts and a cover letter should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, Malaysian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Minden, 11800 USM Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.

The cover letter should include (1) name of person who is responsible for making and accepting all manuscript changes along with full mailing address, and telephone and fax numbers; (2) original signatures of all authors preceded by a statement that they have reviewed and approved the paper.

Authors are responsible for requesting permission to use material (e.g. figures) that has been previously published and is under copyright; permission forms should be included with the manuscript.

Papers are accepted on the understanding that no substantial part has been, or will be, published elsewhere. This does not refer to abstracts of oral communications which are presented in the Proceedings of certain Societies or Symposia.

Papers accepted become the copyright of the Journal

Any financial support for conduction research or writing an article should be disclosed.

The Journal peer reviews all the material it receives

Category guidelines

Research articles

These papers report major research and studies relevant to all disciplines of pharmaceutical sciences and education

Review articles

These papers summarise a research or teaching topic in the pharmaceutical sciences with documentation from the literature

Style guidelines

Manuscript preparation

All papers must be written in concise English.

Type the manuscript on one side of the paper, double spaced, with ample margins of at least 2.5 cm (1 inch).

All pages should be numbered consecutively in the upper right-hand corner, beginning with the title page.

Authors should always retain an electronic file of their manuscripts, as the Editor does not accept responsibility for damage or loss of papers submitted.

If the article is accepted for publication, a disk file of the manuscript will be requested.

Title page

The first sheet should include (1) title of the paper, (2) names of each author (3) names of departments and institutions with which each author is affiliated, and (4) name, address, and e-mail of corresponding author.


If any


Papers must commence with an abstract not exceeding 250 words.

3-5 keywords are required.


The text should have appropriate headings and subheadings.

The text should be set out as follows: (1) Introduction (2) Methods (3) Results and Discussion (4) Conclusion

Footnotes to the text should not be used.

The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.


Should follow the Harvard system, i.e. they should be indicated in the typescript by giving the author’s names, with the year of publication in parentheses, e.g. Smith (1984); or if there are more than three authors – Smith et al (1984). If several papers from the same authors and from the same year are cited, a, b, c, etc. should be put after the year of publication.

The references should be listed in full at the end of the paper on a separate sheet in the following standard form:

DONALDSON, M. (1976) Development of conceptualisation, in: V. HAMILTON & M.D. VERNON (Eds). The Development of Cognitive Processes, pp. 277-303 (London, Academic Press).

MAGUIRE, P. (1984). The way we teach: interviewing skills, Medical Teacher, 6, p. 128.

Titles of journals should not be abbreviated.


Each table should be titled, typed on separate sheets and numbered with Arabic numbers (e.g. Table 3).

Type each table double-spaced on a separate page.

Words or numerals should be repeated on successive lines; ‘ditto’ or ‘do’ should not be used.

Do not use internal horizontal and vertical grids.

Illustrations and figures

All photographs, graphs and diagrams should be referred to as Figures and should be numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals (e.g. Fig. 3).

They should not be inserted in the text but each provided separately.

Captions should include keys to symbols.

Figures should be numbered consecutively according to the order in which they are first cited in the text.


Proofs including proofs of illustrations are supplied for checking and making essential corrections, not for general revision or alteration.

Proofs should be corrected and returned to the publisher within 14 days of receipt.


Complimentary copy

A complimentary copy of the Journal will be sent to the corresponding author whose article is published.